Unless otherwise specified, base year data are used in totals instead of 1990 data (in accordance with decisions 9/CP.2 and 11/CP.4) for Bulgaria (1988), Hungary (average of 1985-1987), Poland (1988), Romania (1989) and Slovenia (1986).
For Annex I non-EIT Parties, GHG emissions excluding LULUCF increased by 9.9 per cent, and GHG emissions including LULUCF increased by 9.1 per cent.
3.3.1 Controlling greenhouse gas emissions
1 مكافحة انبعاثاتغازاتالدفيئة
5.1.1 Mitigation of greenhouse gas emissions
1 تخفيف انبعاثاتغازاتالدفيئة
(b) Projections of GHG emissions;
(ب) إسقاطات انبعاثاتغازاتالدفيئة؛
GHG abatement analysis
تحليل خفض انبعاثاتغازاتالدفيئة
- GHG emissions reduction potential
- إمكانية خفض انبعاثاتغازاتالدفيئة
The reason for choosing 1999 instead of 2000 is that the Russian Federation, an important emitter of these gases, did not submit its complete inventory for 2000.